Wednesday 3 December 2014

Lemme marry you, pls

Have you ever listened a happy upbeat song, felt like dancing and then started to listen to the lyrics and realised it might not be such a happy song after all. Like the song Happy I cannot listen to anymore because it's not really very happy song. Another example would be this:

It's not about "I have waited all my life for this moment and now I can finally marry the most beautiful woman in the whole world". Oh no. It's more like "damn chica, we're so wasted and I'm bored so let's hitch, pls, and regret it in the morning".

But at least it's heterosexual. The sanctity of marriage, and whatnot. Ya know...

I don't know if you've seen this pic yet.

Like few people in the social media has commented on this: we must be doing something right if we get this reaction.

Though we're not there yet. The legislation passed one vote and it is pretty surely gonna pass the whole thing, but I wouldn't jizz in my pants just yet. Registration of a relationship (what a bullshit term) has been legal in Finland for a while but now the people wants all sexualities to have same rights for marriage.

"What about the sanctity of marriage!", the christian cavemen yell. I don't really get that point. How will your marriage be less anything if other people can get married too. What does it matter what sex the other people are? It's not like food you distribute to all and it would taste the same to everyone. "I think your chocolate tastes bad and that's why my chocolate tastes bad too!" *rolls eyes* When asked why can't other than heterosexual couples get married one member of parliament said "Because they just can't". Waw, my goddaughter who hasn't even started school yet could argue better than you, sir. Your input to this country is indispensable.

"What about the children!" and this is a bit better argument. I'm pretty sure it's already proved that the children of gay couples have it good because they are mostly wanted children. "The kids will be bullied at school!", probably will yes. But don't you think we could make a change on how the kids view the world by showing them that it's o.k. to be different? If we accept, it would be easier to our children to accept too. This might take some casualties and that's why I think it's almost a valid concern towards the new legislation.

Bad people can get married. Good people can get married. My future (probably) heterosexual marriage won't be any less because someone else gets the basic human rights to love another people. To legally love their spouse and their children. Why is that too much to ask?

If there is a god, and that god is good, he/she has probably had something to do with different sexualities. The free will you were given was not to harm others but to spread the love. I can't believe that people who think a book is holy that's halfly about a man who did everything he could to break the social norms in order to spread the love to everywhere still somehow can say that the same book is against equal marriage rights. Haven't you learnt anything in the past, I don't know... two thousand years?!


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