Friday 20 September 2013

Bugs and booms

This was written on a Saturday 27th of October 2012:

I just had a fun time in a random dungeon. The tank DC'd in the middle and the rest of the party stayed to wait. That's rare even as it is but we talked a lot too. A shadow priest asked me to dance with her pet to get a screenshot. So there I was, posing in moonkin form with her little moonkin pet like for a tourist. Such a casual athmosphere sure creates a good mood.

When the tank returned, he made his apologies in the saychat that usually tells me the player is a noob, but I think his partychat might have been bugging. A guildmate of mine had that happen to him when his computer froze up in the middle of something and coming back online the partychat for somereason didn't work anymore. All this happened after the new patch. The chat will work after a while without any notice and we haven't yet figured out why.

 In that very instance an elemental shaman left the dungeon in the second room and the same thing happened in the last dungeon too. It's always so confusing when someone leaves without saying, but I like to think it's because an heirloomed shaman felt bad for losing to a boomkin in dps. And a shame it sure is because I'm usually in the bottom of that list.

One of my IRL friends have just started to play WoW and she has the weirdest bugs. Quests doesn't work, mobs don't trop loot, controls don't work, etc. I wasn't surprised about all the cursing when there's bugs on every finger. But bugs weren't my point here, it was the thought of what's the best first character for a new player. Last summer I said to a friend of mine that a druid would be a good char to be rolled. Afterwards I was sorry I've said that because it's not the most easiest with all the skills druids gets. So for a first character I would suggest a hunter. Or a rogue or a warrior could be good for they are easy at low levels. Would be nice to hear other thoughts about this, what do you think is the best character for one to start with? How about for a player that has played MMORPGs earlier but never WoW?

By the way, I think Blizzard is very smart with the customer service. For the first time ever I transferred a character from realm to another and it was said in that it usually takes an hour but one should be prepared for days for it to go through. 20mins later my character was good to go. It's good to be prepared for the worst and be positevily surprised when it's less.

 Now I have to get back to school work! That I obviously do while in a queue for a random :)

Sorry about all the typoes. There's something wrong with the spellcheck. Oh well, you'll just have to live with it. Or point them out to me.

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