Thursday 26 September 2013

Shoop shoop

I'll start by this: when I woke up this morning, this was the song that played in my head.

You know when you click on a link in FB and end up looking videos in Youtube? And one video leads to another? And then maybe hours later you are looking at some video that has nothing to do with the original one? That happens to me a lot. Last night it happened again and I finally ended up looking at these videos about how does a guy know when a girl likes him.

"Does he love me I wanna know
How can I tell if he loves me so"

Women usually wants to know if the guy loves them but I think that is quite simple. If you feel like he loves you and he tells you that he does - problem solved - he does. But knowing that someone likes you is much harder. So I'm going to try to list few things I know I as a woman do, and also some of my friends have been seen doing. I'm not saying that these always apply or that even most women does these kinds of things, but they might be helpful for someone.

In no particular order, here are some tips how you can know if a girl likes a guy.

- She looks at you and when you notice she does, she might blush and smile, but she most likely begins to look at her feet. But she probably still keeps smiling, because seeing you looking at her makes her happy.

- She wants to see or makes excuses to touch your hands. I can't explain why, but this is what we girls do. She might want to see how much smaller her hand is compared to yours or foretell from your skin folds your future, most likely love life.

- She might try to hook you up with another girl to see if you like her back. If you refuse the "hooking up" she is more certain you like someone else and hopes it's her. This is also a way for her to try to know your preferences on a girlfriend or are you already engaged to another relationship.

- She plays with her hair, her ring, her necklace or anything available. She fixes her outfit or maybe even says something negative about it. That might be also fishing for a compliment. If you like a girl, don't be shy with the compliments, it can be something very small and menial, but if you show her you noticed something about her, she will like you even more.

If you're in the virtual world you might not see the girl if you don't video chat or things like that, but you can still see signs if she likes you. If she talks about sitting in front of the computer half naked or fresh from the shower, that can be a very good way to tell that she wants someone to think of her naked. She asks you when you are logging in or out. She might ask for your help with something she could do by herself. She sometimes takes the conversation to more private place, like whisper or private messages. Those are little hints you can pick up on. And I think we all should remember that even in text form, sincerity can be very loud thing. So don't be scared to say what's on your mind and ask questions you wish to get an answer to. One of those things could be "Are you into me?". Because you can't rely on physical aspects, you have to be more direct.

I also watched a video where this "relationship coach" told tips on how to make you seem more romantic to a woman and make dates memorable. The woman in the video was quite irritating and she made her case based on The Batchelorette, but she had some valid points. I can't find the video anymore since I hopped from one to the next, but what I remember is that she said there are little moments you can take advantage of to make the girl really remember you. One of those things was that if it starts to rain, you shouldn't look for shelter, but you should stay stand in the rain with the girl and kiss her.

Another thing was that if you are with a girl in a crowded place like someones wedding or something, you should make her forget about the rest of the world by stopping at some point, looking deeply into her eyes, say something nice like telling her she is the most beautiful person in the whole place and then kiss her. I know not all the girls fell for that kind of Hollywood-crap but I know I sure would.

And lastly, here is a pretty good video I stumbled on. These kinds of videos are for teenagers mostly but I can't say that they wouldn't apply for adults too. Romantic adults at least. Enjoy!

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