Thursday 29 May 2014

Happy, happy, happy..?

Yesterday I had a conversation with my friend about lyrics and he told me he only really listens to the lyrics of a happy song. He said there's no point on listening to the lyrics of a depressing song, it'll only kill your mood and what's the use of that. I don't think he quite understood when I said that it's comforting for me if I feel down to listen to something that gives me the feeling that there's someone who understands how I feel. And when I feel down it helps me to sing out loud what I feel. Melancholic music helps me cope with my problems more easily and that's how I deal with them. I wonder what would happen if I kept listening to upbeat, happy and funny songs all the time? Would I stop being sad from time to time or would all that crap inside me bottle up and explode one day?

Sometimes when I'm afraid my day is going to suck-balls-big-time I choose my morning song hoping that it can uplift my spirit and the whole day would be better. Lately I've been listening to this one for obvious reasons.

Or so I thought. It's not so obvious after all. This morning I realised this song is not about happiness. The guy isn't truly happy. At least when I'm truly happy, I never waste my thoughts on the things that has been dragging me down or could do that. This guy is just glad that he survived something down bringing, which is not bad either. But is it really happiness? I need to point out this again, because this sentence has been one of the most meaningful ones in my life.

I don't think the song is about happiness but about being finally comfortable enough to enjoy it. Why I see it like this probably is because in Finnish we have two words for "happy". You can either be happy as in happy about your life and had a lucky life so far (onnellinen). Or you can be momentarily happy as in delighted and pleased (iloinen). For my mornings to become good days, I need something that makes me feel like I'm fortunate to wake up on this beautiful day, something that makes me feel happy to be alive, maybe something that'll put some beat in me. I don't want my morning to start with quickly passing happiness that reminds me of all the obstacles I had to crawl over so far. I need something that is truly happy, like this one.

True happiness is not about the big things. You can enjoy overcoming obstacles but does they truly make you happy? Happiness is the moments when you notice how blue the sky is, how beautifully the birds sing, how someone is smiling to someone, it's the feeling of being clean, dry and warm. Happiness is a fluffy, cuddly feeling you have inside that will shine outside for the rest of the world to enjoy it too. Being content is something you have to enforce, true happiness doesn't care because you know that you can brighten someones day by just giving a genuine, honest, happy smile.

I googled "honest happy smile". Was not disappointed.

(source: check it out, there are more smiles)

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