Monday 26 January 2015

Non-hit wonder

Okay fine. I admit it. I live inside my head, in my thoughts. Mostly. Sometimes it's good to come out of there, but many times it's painful to rip myself out of my comfort zone that is my little world. I almost slammed a door to this guys face few weeks ago, shared some words with him and then on my way home from school I couldn't remember how he looked like anymore. I can have days without leaving the inner world of my own head and I might not be dragged out of there even if I'm in the presence of other people.

I'm probably going to be even more turned inside this spring and I'm afraid what will it do to the blog. If I don't have social porn to share (as in me and my super-interesting dating life), what will I write about? I know some of you won't mind more WoW -stories (Juju and I totally killed in BG's today, it was awesome!). There might be few people from the university reading so I could post stories about what I've learnt or what is wrong with our school system (the school where points are made up and the grades don't matter). I could spam posts with more inspirational quotes or jokes from the deep depths of interweb (why is it called a beauty sleep when I wake up looking like a troll?).

I don't know yet what the future posts will be but this time I thought I would entertain you with some music. I finally caught up with the present times and started using Spotify. I found interesting lists of one-hit-wonders and I'm gonna share the best bits I've found with you guys. Through my loyal friend, YouTube, ofc. Weirdly these songs fit well with my current mood.

Amazing music vids, believe you me.

This next one actually has a good video, I suggest to watch it.

This song is relevant in more than one way. I didn't want to link the official video, because it was too humorist and ruins the song. Have you noticed how many songs there are about the one last/only night?

Last but not least. Something that probably made Cher and Whitney Houston jealous. And look at her clothes... damn. I want what she's wearing.

I don't know if the last song is so relevant but it does make me feel better. I haven't lost love, I didn't get a chance for it. Though I don't know if I ever truly loved. Time fades the memories. And I don't think I've ever been loved, like truly, madly, deeply loved, either. One-sided love feels different, I assume, than both-sided love. I would "gladly" mourn if I had lost something true, but it's just "towards new disappointments" again and again. I don't know if I can stop hoping, but being constantly on a state of wishing and dreaming is exhausting, and I'd rather not keep doing that anymore. If something comes, then something comes. I will probably be hesitant to accept and/or believe it after all these years of having hopes and dreams not fulfilled. How can I expect anyone to love me when I'm not open to love someone myself? Sometimes I wonder if my past relationships have failed because I haven't really been capable of letting go of control. I should stop expecting of others and enjoy my own feelings. All that said, one day I will love again. And I will be loved back.

Bonus song:

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