Sunday 12 June 2016

Cripples, pt. III

I just had a conversation with a friend about stream of consciousness. If you write it down without editing, could it be a peek into your mind and train of thoughts? He sent me some memories of his travels that were basically just things after things without much description. And I could see them before my eyes. Sometimes we don't need the whole picture, we just need an imagination. And the ability to see with our inner eyes.

I felt bad being so lazy that one time when I posted just my notes. But now I think it might be better to not always explain everything and just let you think what you want out of things. Just now I saw a gif where supposedly a man with down syndrome kicked a little boy and the father of the child who had been further away, knocked the kicker down with a single punch. There's no right answers to that situation. Nothing rarely is black and white. My notes are usually about those things, I guess that's what makes the thoughts so interesting. Some of these I wrote down while I was blabbering for hours on the phone with a friend a while back, so I can't take full credit for all of them.

Responsibility is on the individual.

An intelligent person is not (automatically) a good person.

One can be shy towards other things than just people.

"I knew from the start that you'll break my heart."

Where is the line between feelings and sexual tension? What are the signs?

"You got wisdom to give but you trade it for youth."

He is so smart, it's sexy.

Not to be loved like in the songs, but to love someone so much that you want to sing about it.

"It's a sin. Everything I've ever done, everything I'll ever do, everywhere I'll ever be."

Haste is the enemy of love.

There is no future in the past.

You need someone that doesn't need you to fix them, but someone who needs you nonetheless.

Being happy or being content as a goal of life?

If there really is a hell, I'll be going there.

No judge, no jury, just an execution.

Why do geek guys like older girls? Is it because they think younger chicks only likes makeup and fashion and nothing "smart"?

Save the world by flashing.

There was one more, but that doesn't say much to anyone because it's just "flirting: give/take". Okay, I might have to explain at least the last one. The flashing thing I saw in a documentary about vulva (I watched a penis documentary too and I was happy to see that cosmetic surgery has taken steps forward since the last documentary I saw. It's still crazy as hell, but I can still appreciate innovations).

In the documentary there was a journalist who had dove in deep to the world and history of female body parts. She had come across an ancient story of a Greek goddess Demeter who was sad because her daughter was kidnapped. A woman named Baubo then told her some lewd jokes and finally flashed her. That made the goddess laugh which was a good thing because her being sad made the world stay in a state of winter and all that. Apparently the goddess was raped trying to find her daughter who was imprisoned by Hades and probably raped as well. Greek mythology, always so cheerful.

Anyway, the world would be a better place if people laughed more. I'm pretty sure if us girls started to flash to people, it would be hilarious. So inappropriate as well, but nevertheless hilarious. Save the world by mooning your front side will become one of my mottos. Also I think if we saw genitalia in non-sexual situations more often, a world would be a better place. You can read more about goddess Demeter for example here.

The song of the day is Ramalama (bang bang) by Róisín Murphy. This time on Vimeo because someone had made an amazingly crazy video for it. Link here:

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