Tuesday 12 November 2013

Let me sing you the song of my people

Today I want to come out of the closet and admit that I'm the guildleader of a pretty successful social guild. It happened by random events, and those I want to share you this time.

I don't remember anymore why and when Armi, Andra and me came back to Argent Dawn from Emerald Dream. I think it was because Emerald Dream was dead (and still is) and because we wanted to RP. We made two guilds at some point, one for RP and one as extra storage space. Armi had the lead in the RP-guild and I in the bank-guild. We RP'ed for a while but then it kinda dried out.

I wanted to seek out new adventures so I rolled a new character with the name I had used before in another MMO. So it was a female night elf with manly name Dannael. While questing I got a whisper: an invitation to this guild and the leader sounded so nice I decided to join. It ended up to be a zerg-guild (a guild that invites anyone and no one really gets to know one-another). I didn't like most of the people, only selected few, so I decided to leave the guild and ended up deleting the character. But in that guild people thought I was a guy because of the name and I didn't correct them. It was nice to be "Dan the man" and talk about equality to the point that one girl ragequitted because she didn't want to listen anymore of us pigs talk about how women's life should be. That was so much fun!

After Bloodrune - which is still alive and kicking, by the way, so hats off to you Rahazzan - I wanted to level my RP-character and I left Armi's RP-guild to go on new adventures. I, with Lucitar, was in Hellfire Peninsula when I got a whisper. It was this cute little dwarf that wanted my help with some PvP-stuff. I don't really care for PvP but that dwarf was so sincere I couldn't say no to him. I helped him and we chatted a bit. He talked about his guild and when he found out I was guildless, he asked me to join them. That's how I ended up in Adventurers Anonymous (or AA, like we altoholics call it).

AA had plenty of nice people and I really enjoyed my time there. Made some online-friends and had few laughs. I also became Luci (hence the name of the blog). But the guild was dying. The leader and his second in command came online less and less every week. My subscription was ending and I didn't have that much money so I told the nice people I was gonna be away for few days, maybe few weeks. When I came back after 10 days, the guild had broken down. Nobody was online anymore. It made me so sad to lose all those people.

I started to think what to do, what to do. I always wanted to give guildleading a go and so I thought I could try regrouping everyone in my guild. I didn't think they would, but I thought it was worth to try. So I mailed a letter in-game to all of the remaining guildies and told where to find me. Rennie was the first one to answer and he thought it was a good idea, so with his help we gathered the remains of AA in my bank-guild, Stop Inspecting Me.

First there was just the few of us and at some point we started to be afraid that the guild wouldn't last without new active members. So Rennie and I hit our heads together again and started to recruit. We didn't want many, quality over quantity was our motto, and we ended up getting some pretty good people to join our ranks. Now we don't even recruit anymore because people know how to find us, those who wants to giggle and take the game less seriously. With Armi on other and Rennie on other side, I now have my little guild that has a green chat (means we talk a lot. And I mean A LOT) and people really tries to get to know each other. I have no authority, but I think that is a good thing. We are all equal and at least I feel like every guildie can come to me with their in-game and outside problems. We've lasted quite long for a social guild too. It has been active since June.

If you're ever online and happen to be in Stormwinds trade district and you see a little gnome named Manypenny sitting infront of the mailbox, guarding it like a hawk, you now know the song of her people.

Funny side story to this is that I sometimes feel a little too much pressure being the leader so I go cheat my guildies with one other char and another guild. That guild actually is the best parts of Bloodrune. I've heard someone say I make a better leader than a guildie, and that might be true. So Pan (the leader of Falcon Hoof), if you ever read this, with all the love, thanks for tolerating my sarcasm!

(and the pic I have for the cover of this blog; that's actually Dannael)
Edit: Now it's a pic of Lucitar


  1. I remember when I got into the guild. You wanted to check me, so you asked a question: What is cuter: a kitten or a puppy. And I said: hedgehog cubs of course! And it was a correct answer.

    I felt really bad when I had to leave the guild along with the game, because I had no money for subscription. I liked the guild since the day one. And I missed it. I was so surprised that my character is still there, when I bought a prepaid. I was going to apply anyways, but this was very nice.

    Here I am: Foss, Fossbear, Nemosis and Lunch Lady. And I'm not going anywhere!

    1. I'm so happy to have my little hedgehog back! Never leave again.

      And I asked which is cuter: a bunny or a puppy. I know this because I ask the same question every time. The answer shows the true colors :)

  2. I like every word of your story. Still I'm not afraid anymore to touch your mailbox :P

  3. Actually there is one thing you missed, but you don't know the background. Rahazan might be holding guild together, but his people are not his mates, but only number.

    1. Yea, I heard rumours about that, but since I wasn't involved I didn't want to bash him in public. And the hats off was just for the sake that the guild is still running. How it is running, I can't tell.
